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with Anne Felicity Cockcroft

Biodynamic Cranial Sacral Therapy

Craniosacral therapy (CST) is a gentle, non-invasive, way of working with the body using a light touch.  The therapist will use a light contact, usually whilst a client is lying, fully clothed, on a treatment table, in a calm environment.


The therapist’s hands listen to the body. The body responds to this light touch with awareness and presence, by beginning to listen to its self. It allows the body to find its way back to wholeness, fluidity and balance. It supports the body’s innate ability to balance, restore and heal itself.


Anne is also a Massage Therapist and has trained in Shiatsu Acupressure.


To make your appointment or for more information please contact Anne direct.

Tel: 07487 554 724

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Craniosacral Therapy is suitable for everyone from new-born babies to adults. It can support rest and relaxation and be particularly beneficial for anyone suffering from anxiety, stress, chronic pain, trauma and exhaustion.


CST offers a distinctive stillness that allows your mind and body to rest deeply and begins to restore a natural balance.  CST recognises and assists the connections between body, mind and emotions. In the peaceful space created during a session these strands can become more fully integrated.

Bundle Treatments

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